Middle School

From 12 years old to 15 years old : 6ème, 5ème, 4ème, 3ème (Year 7 to Year 10).

Like the primary school, secondary school education at the Lycée Français of Kuala Lumpur is approved by the Ministry of French National Education.

Middle school takes place at the end of elementary school.

Schooling is organized in three-year cycles, giving students the time they need to learn more effectively. At collège, sixième is the last year of cycle 3, while the other levels make up cycle 4.

As far as timetables are concerned, classes generally run from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and up to 6:30 p.m. depending on the options chosen.

Sixième: last year of cycle 3, consolidation cycle

The 6th grade is designed to enable students to adapt to the organization and environment of the middle school, and to ensure continuity of the learning undertaken in the first two years of the cycle in the CM1 and CM2 classes.

Cinquième, quatrième et troisième: cycle 4, the in-depth cycle

The aim is to enable students to develop skills in different disciplines and cross-disciplinary paths.

Compulsory courses

Middle school teaching is structured into the following disciplines:

  • French
  • Mathematics
  • History and geography
  • Moral and civic education
  • Modern languages
  • Life and earth sciences
  • Physics and chemistry
  • Technology
  • Physical education and sports
  • Plastic arts
  • Music education
Cross-Curricular Studies (EPI – Enseignements Pratiques Interdisciplinaires) 

Cross-Curricular Studies or EPI are an integral part of the Lower Secondary School reforms, they are compulsory and represent around 72 hours annually per class. Each class (from 5ème to 3ème) takes two cross-curricular subjects in a school year. The main idea is to give meaning to learning, to promote inter-disciplinary and group work.

These Cross-Curricular Studies are evaluated by skills and each student will have the opportunity of presenting their contribution to a Cross-Curricular project that they have particularly enjoyed during their time in Cycle 4, in the oral examination of the Brevet.

Overview of the EPI from 5eme to 3eme (Cycle 4) at the LFKL

LevelOfficial ThemeChosen subject of studyBrief description of the projectSubjects concerned
5èmeEcological transition and sustainable developmentWater, a precious resource“Stream to sea” study of water, connection with man and human activity. Final exhibition presenting different subjects tackled in each subject.Physical Science, Earth and Life Sciences, Music, Mathematics, Physical Education, Technology, History and Geography
5èmeLanguages and cultures of AntiquityMythological AnimalsEstablish a relationship between the subjects concerned by using a dragon (mythological animal) as a link. Development of comics or other literary expressions as well as masks, for an exhibition on the dragon in different cultures/countries.Languages, French, History, Geography. Art, Technology
4èmeBody, Health, Well being, Security, Citizenship and
Risk and prevention
Creating an informative leaflet about the risks and the prevention of the natural disasters and the impact that it could have on our health. A useful prevention tool for everyone.Earth and Life Sciences,  Sport,  Technology, French,
3èmeInformation, Communication and CitizenshipEcotourismPresenting a communication project related to the preservation of endemic species and coastlines, especially mangroves, a major issue in Malaysia.Earth and Life Sciences, French, History, Geography, German, English, Chinese, Spanish.

At the end of 3e, students take the diplôme national du brevet.